Monthly Archives: March 2012

CARTOON: The blowout

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The Saints

If you haven’t read Rick Cleveland’s take on the NFL’s punishment of the New Orleans Saints for the Bounty scandal, do.  The NFL took out fire ants with napalm. But the bomb has been dropped. The damage has been done. … Continue reading

Posted in Writing | 4 Comments

Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 43

Goal Weight: 195 I woke up with a little devil on my shoulder.  He whispered into my ear, “It’s raining and your bed is comfortable. You’re tired. You have five more skip days. Sleep until 5 a.m.”  I could hear … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 1 Comment

Thursday Free-For-All

Hope you stay dry.  And have a great day.

Posted in MRBA | 17 Comments

CARTOON: March Budgeting Madness

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Posted in Cartoon | 5 Comments

Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 42

Goal Weight: 195 lbs. Weight: 209 lbs. “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 1 Comment

Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?  (Besides the pollen. My medication isn’t cutting it)

Posted in MRBA | 28 Comments


Posted in Cartoon | 1 Comment

2012 Governor’s Initiative for Volunteer Excellence Honorees

I’m both honored and humbled to be on this list. I only give back an ounce compared to what this state has given me.  I appreciate being nominated. And am stunned I won.

Posted in Blog | 8 Comments