Monthly Archives: April 2012

Daily Ramsey Blog: 4/27/12

Today’s cartoon.  What a way with words. Flipped between the NFL draft and American Idol last night. Both were wonderful displays of talent soon-to-be rewarded (and America’s insatiable appetite to be entertained.) I pulled for Fletcher Cox and Skylar Laine, … Continue reading

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/27/12

Goal weight: 195 lbs. I think I proved one of Newton’s Laws today. Not sure which one really. But I did prove one thing: I’m clumsy.  Good Lord, I am a klutz.  About 1.5 miles into my three-mile run this … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 4 Comments

CARTOON: Phil’s words

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Friday Free-For-All

On the road. Again. Today’s show will be from Oxford.

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CARTOON: The Hunger Games

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Daily Ramsey: 4/26/12

Had a pretty vivid dream last night. I don’t make it a habit of reporting my dreams, but this one would make for a pretty good story.  But I’m going to tell it in a personal context instead.  It turned … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Ramsey | 1 Comment

Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/26/12

Goal Weight: 195 lbs. I overslept yesterday and didn’t run.  No real excuse other than I was dead-dog tired. The rest of the day was another crazy day (I’m stacking crazy days up like cordwood these days) and fatigue has … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 3 Comments

Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day.

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Greetings from Possum Lick

The sign read, “Welcome to Possum Lick.”  The BMW’s driver, a high-powered lawyer from Jackson,  laughed and thought, “Don’t want to know where this town got its name. And besides, it’s opossum.”  His foot pressed the gas pedal, making all … Continue reading

Posted in Writing | 3 Comments

Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you had a great day. I’ll be at the Mississippi Children’s Museum this morning from nine until noon.

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