Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you’ve had a great holiday.

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Friday Free-For-All

Happy Black Friday! Hope you had a great thanksgiving!

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Thanksgiving Free-For-All

Thanks to you. All of you. I’m so grateful you take the time to stop in on this blog when there are so many other places you could be. God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanksgiving Stories

The Best Thanksgiving Ever: A young woman’s life is changed forever.

Catwoman’s Thankful Thanksgiving: A lady and her 10 cats have the best T-day ever.

The Kids’ Table: A Thanksgiving dream.

The Day Santa Took over Thanksgiving: Why Christmas starts in July.

Plymouth Rock: A man has a real reason to give thanks.

Thanksgiving: Giving thanks for a family’s challenges and successes.

What I’m thankful For: An incomplete list of 100 things and people.

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What I’m thankful for (an incomplete list)

  1. That I got to see another sunrise today. Thanks be to God.
  2. My lovely wife Amy — who has been nothing short of amazing this past year.
  3. My sons. All three are different. And all three make me a better man.
  4. My parents Dave and Virginia Ramsey. Thank you for giving me your love and giving me a great set of genes. And believing in my dreams.
  5. My sisters Jennifer and Stephanie. Talk about two amazing, smart women.
  6. My aunt, Lynn Cole.  Another amazing, smart woman.
  7. Cousin Dave Ramsey. He has believed in me during the past year and I appreciate it.
  8. Dr. Kenny Barraza. Got to thank the man who caught my cancer early.
  9. Work.  You don’t appreciate it until it’s gone.
  10. Talent. What a blessing I’ve been given. Now to use it like I should.
  11. Randy Brown. A best friend for over 25 years. A good man everyday.
  12. Charlie and Patsy Daniel. Mentors are not easy to come by.
  13. My time in Mississippi.  Mississippi is a fascinating place. It has been a good run.
  14. The MRBA. Hands down the nicest group of people I’ve ever met.
  15. Being made part-time. It’s my belief that good things come from bad things.
  16. The folks at SuperTalk.  Thanks for the opportunity and for helping me keep my house.
  17. All the people in Mississippi who believe in my talent. That helps get me out of bed in the morning.
  18. Having cancer. It changed me as a person and has once again allowed good things to come from bad.
  19. Keith Warren. My partner on the Run from the Sun and an inspiration in the cancer fight.
  20. Jill Conner Browne.  Funny and even more inspirational.
  21. Having work.  In this economy, its worth repeating.
  22. Bob Witty and Glenda Winders. Two San Diego friends that I miss dearly.
  23. My extended family.  I’m blessed with amazing cousins, aunts and uncles.
  24. My wife’s family. You don’t marry a spouse; you marry his or her family.
  25. My health. Yes, it is a little rocky right now, but I know it could be worse.
  26. Having a sense of humor. It’s the ultimate shield.
  27. My faith.  It’s also a powerful protection in these dark times.
  28. That I live in a great country where I can have the freedom pursue greatness.
  29. Banjo. Truly man’s best friend.
  30. Dr. Sarah Gardial.  My college advisor 20 years ago and still today.
  31. That my kids go to good schools.
  32. The community leaders who make this state better than it would be without them.
  33. For the people (and I’ve really discovered who they are lately) who do not believe in my talent. You’ve inspired me more than you know.
  34. Bottled beer.
  35. The Junior League’s Cookbook.
  36. The Great Smoky Mountains.
  37. The University of Tennessee and the opportunities it provided.
  38. Steve Jobs — love my Apple products. RIP.
  39. Mississippi politicians. Thanks for the material.
  40. Mississippi’s amazing artists, writers, musicians, etc. I pray your talent rubs off on me.
  41. Fall weather.
  42. That I live now, in an era of change and excitement.
  43. Automatic ice makers.
  44. Having the ability to travel, to see new things and to expand my mind.
  45. Being able to read.
  46. Having an ounce of musical ability.
  47. Being able to be the illustrator for my cousin DAve’s children’s books.  What an honor that has been.
  48. Electricity. Thanks Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison.
  49. The Internet. Thanks Al Gore.
  50. Twist off tops.
  51. Con Maloney. He stepped in and helped my family in ways that he might not know and that I’ll always be appreciative.
  52. Doug Wilson. Talk about a man with a vision and a heart.
  53. Paul Breazeale. Quietly has guided me when I needed it the most.
  54. Blake Wilson for reminding me to keep the faith.
  55. Jim Thorpe and Dawn Raybon for helping me put on a good radio show.
  56. Kimberly & Doug Harkins. Lee Ann and Calvin Thigpen. Kimberly and Lee Ann helped me train for my marathon. All are great friends.
  57. All the men and women who work with Scouts. You’ve been so good to my sons.
  58. Julie and Mary Lou.  You have brought words to my youngest boy’s mouth.
  59. Living in a place without a real rush hour.
  60. Fresh bread.
  61. Researchers who are about to bring cancer to its knees.
  62. The beauty of the Delta
  63. Orville and Wilbur Wright. Love to fly and it shows.
  64. Automatic transmissions.
  65. That I got to know my grandparents when I was an adult (I miss them).
  66. Indoor plumbing.
  67. Andy Andrews. Who I want to be when I don’t grow up.
  68. Wyatt Waters. Hope some of his talent rubs off someday.
  69. Joel Waters. Joel is my role model for overcoming challenges and making the most out of life.
  70. The people of Mississippi who seriously believe community comes first.
  71. The men and women who have sacrificed their lives so I can be free.
  72. Tommy and Bettie Thompson. You’re gone now, but you provided a great role model for what true love was.
  73. Automatic paper towel dispensers. I feel like I’m using the Force when I use them.
  74. A good book.
  75. THE Good Book.
  76. That I was able to experience the feeling of finishing a marathon.
  77. Being able to quietly help people.
  78. Calligraphy pens.
  79. Twitter.  Love me some Twitter.
  80. A fountain Coke.
  81. Sunsets.
  82. Cheesecake.
  83. Facebook.
  84. Heated seats in the car.
  85. That I’ve been a Pulitzer Finalist twice.
  86. The support I’ve had in the community.
  87. The ability to love and be loved.
  88. Erasers and White Out. Always nice to have the ability to correct your mistakes.
  89. The ability to read.
  90. A vanilla milkshake.
  91. College Football.
  92. That I’m comfortable in my own scarred skin.
  93. Honest car mechanics.
  94. My muse.
  95. The ability to draw, write, speak and laugh.
  96. Air conditioning.
  97. Every breath.
  98. All the important people in my life I’ve failed to mention because I’m really tired right now.
  99. My life.
  100. You.
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Thanksgiving is the most underrated holiday of the year. Crammed between Halloween and Christmas, it’s overshadowed by Santa’s relentless retail push. It has become more about a turkey, football and a nap than serious counting our blessings. It should be a time to reflect on the goodness we are surrounded by. Honestly, I think it should be a daily holiday — although I think employers would get annoyed if we were off every day.

So Godspeed this Thanksgiving holiday.  I hope its a restful and refreshing for you. And I pray you are surrounded by faith, food, family and fun.

Just know that I’m very thankful for you.  And that’s not just one day a year.

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Question of the day

What are you really thankful for?

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Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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Glory be to the Tupelo King


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