Sunday Free-For-All

Good Morning! Have a great Sunday!

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Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning. I’ve been out cleaning gutters getting ready for the rain.

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My daily reminder to myself:

The worst moments of my life have turned out to be the seeds of my greatest moments.

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Jackson, Mississippi at dawn

Jackson City Hall

The Clarion-Ledger building and Capital Towers.

Hinds County Courthouse and Moses

A random tree

City Hall.

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Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day!

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CARTOON: Salute to Haley

I’ve enjoyed drawing the guy for the last eight years. He was bigger than life in the Republican party, that’s for sure. Almost a Buddha like figure — in a manner of speaking.

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The Success Pyramid

Since the Food Pyramid now has gone the way of “Pluto is a planet (long live Planet Pluto), ” let me offer you a new pyramid to think about.

The Success Pyramid.

No, it’s not the big empty building on the Mississippi in Memphis.  Nor is it in Egypt. It’s not even a paperweight on your boss’ desk. The success pyramid is just a simple observation about the dynamics of success that I’ve made over the years. OK, let me stop right here and tell you, I am not a success guru. Nor a motivational speaker. I’ve been blessed in my life with several great things that have happened to me. But I’ve also had many failures, too. I’ve studied the failures over and over trying to learn from them. And one of the biggest roots of a failure is where I placed my faith.  The faith that motivated me.

So, here’s the Success Pyramid. And like the Food Pyramid, you want to be motivated by what’s at the top, not the bottom.


Others’ Faith in You: When I spent my time worrying about what others thought about me, it drug me down to whatever their opinion might have been. “Others” can be your family, your friends, your boss, even your spouse or people in the community.  I know personally, I’ve allowed this to really hold me back. It made me stop believing in myself. Which, of course, is the next step on the Success Pyramid.

Faith in yourself: Self esteem is great. Don’t get me wrong. I spent many years without it.  But you can’t rely on it because unless you are completely narcissistic, you will have moments of self doubt. Trust me.  I’ve been knocked down enough to know that it happens.  It’s like depending on a clock without a battery-backup.  You’re in good shape most of the time — but when an emergency comes, you’re left in the dark.

Faith in a higher power. I call Him God. You can fit in whatever your belief system is in here.  Bottom line is, believe in something bigger than yourself.  It will give you Faith. It will power you through the toughest of times.  This is fairly new concept for me and it has brought me great peace. And is starting to bring me even greater success.

So there you go. A little early morning observation before I go draw three cartoons and put on a radio show. I pray you have a great day and all the success in the world comes your way.

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Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up? (Have a great day)

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CARTOON: Detectors

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The Amazing Game

First Quarter:

The father led his son by the hand. When they emerged from the dark tunnel into the vast football stadium, the little boy stopped in awe. A sea of humanity, dressed in bright colors roared in unison as the team ran out of the end-zone tunnel . The father helped the son put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. The son saw his father tear up as the jet roared over the stadium.  The band played and then the whistle blew. The players ran out onto the field. It was a sensory thanksgiving shared by 100,000 people. But as far as the little boy was concerned, they were alone.

Second Quarter:

The boy was in college now. His dad came up for the big game and the two of them sat together in the family’s seats.  The two men had little in common but spoke the same language: College football.  The son bought his dad a hot dog and a Coke.  The dad looked at his meal and laughed.  “I’m paying thousands in tuition; it’s the least you can do is buy me lunch.”  The crowd roared as their team score another touchdown.  As far as the dad was concerned, they were the only two people in the whole stadium.

Third Quarter:

The son led his son in by the hand.  Halftime had just ended and they had to make another bathroom break. The grandson was more interested in the concession stand than the game, but the grandfather smiled. He knew that would change.  The three men sat together in the family’s seats and cheered as their team scored another touchdown.  The clock was ticking down.  Faster, it seemed, to the son and the father. The grandson just sat and ate some more cotton candy. To him, they were the only three people in the in the stadium.

Fourth Quarter.

The grandson was now in college. He was the third generation to go there and the three men sat together in special handicap seats. The grandfather was now in a wheelchair and the dad made sure he could see the game well enough. Bright colors filled the stadium and cheers drowned out every other possible noise.  The band played the fight song and the crowd sang to the top of its collective lungs.  The clock counted down to zero. As the son and grandson helped push the grandfather’s wheelchair toward the exit, the grandfather looked at the two men he loved and said, “It has been an amazing game.  Let’s pray for overtime.”

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