Monthly Archives: April 2012

CARTOON: Tea time

Ah, the sloppiness of drawing a cartoon in about an hour.

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Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning!  What’s up?

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Drummer Boy

Bullets whizzed over his head, sounding like a million angry hornets. “Sergeant! WHAT DO I DO NOW?!? SERGEANT?” The sergeant, a burly man Irish man from northern Illinois, stared back at him blankly. The young drummer boy looked closer at … Continue reading

Posted in Writing | 3 Comments

Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/23/12

Goal weight: 195 lbs. I ran up a lot of steep hills this morning. Which one was the hardest to climb? Getting out of bed. I’m tired and the bed was warm. Self discipline had to use a tow truck … Continue reading

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Monday Free-For-All

It’s 4:30. What’s up with you?

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Sunday Free-For-All

Will be at the Mississippi Children’s Museum again today from 1:30 until 5:30 a.m. drawing for the kids.

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: 4/21/12

Goal Weight: 195 lbs. Weight: 200 lbs. Got up at 6:30 and hit the road by seven.  I ran out of my neighborhood, into the woods and onto the Natchez Trace Parkway.  I then picked up the Ridgeland Multipurpose Trail … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 2 Comments

Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up? I’ll be teaching at the Mississippi Children’s Museum today from 10 ’til 2.

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/20/12

Goal weight: 195 lbs. Not much exercise to report this morning. I got up and did 50 sit-ups and 50 pushups.  I didn’t run because my hip is sore and I’m planning on a long run tomorrow morning.  I will … Continue reading

Posted in Fat-Fit-Fat | 2 Comments

Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a fabulous Friday.

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